Sunday, October 11, 2009


So where have I been? Working on the never ending Amelia sweater. Other than a sock or two this has been my main project over the past few months. The twisted rib pattern in this sweater almost made me think of quitting mid sweater. But then I thought maybe a pointier needle would help. So I ordered a size 7 Knitpicks Option circular needled thinking the pointier needle would help with the twisted stitches. The needles did make knitting this sweater more bearable and helped me get through it. I'm happy with the way it turned out and think it's my favorite sweater so far. Just in time for this cooler autumn weather.

Some modifications I made were not knitting the waistband and doing only 1 inch of garter on the sleeve cuffs.

What's next? I've also been working on my first toe up sock. Well the first one where I've actually finished one sock that is. Hopefully I'll have some pics to show you soon.


  1. Maybe you could make me a scarf for my bday? Not sure if you have enough time though

  2. It looks fantastic! I've been dying to try this pattern. I have the yarn, but haven't had the time yet. Any tips and tricks you wish you'd known before you started?
