Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mystery Solved and a New Sweater

The mystery socks are now solved! I was able to carefully remove the i-cord bind off on the sock and then do a 2X2 ribbing instead. I even like how the ribbing lines up with the cables -- how lucky! What I later learned from a Ravelry forum is that when you do an i-cord bind off you shouldn't snug up the stitches when you return to the beginning of each row. If you're doing i-cord for say a bag handle then you do want to snug up the stitches. Good to know for next time -- lesson learned.

I recently started spinning and knitting for a new sweater, Mr. Greenjeans. I spin a little and then knit a little, to help keep me from getting bored. I've just spun up about half of the pound of merino I dyed and I'm starting the cable and rib bottom portion of the sweater. This is going quick. I love the one piece construction (no seams) and the fact that I can try it on as I go.

Today was a rainy, snowy mess. The kids and I decided to go to what we call the "big library". It seems like everyone else in town decided to do that too as it was packed! I browsed through some knitting books but didn't really see anything super interesting that I already hadn't checked out before. But I do have the book Spinning and Weaving with Wool on hold at the other branch of the library. It's a book that was recently reviewed by Meghan on the Stitch It podcast and peaked my interest. Lots of DIY stuff in this book and you know I'm a DIY kind of gal.

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